Friday, December 7, 2012

Tablet Application Development: The Upcoming Trends in Technology

Tablets were actually defined for the businessman users to work on the go but according to the latest survey it is reported that most of the Tablets are used at home. Tablet applications had played a crucial role in this popularity of Tablet among the youngsters. These applications have attracted both the developers and clients to make a statement among the charts. So if you too are looking to develop a tablet application then you should first look at the horoscope or future trends of tablet application development so that you can update your applications accordingly.

Responsive Design

Responsive design of an application is defined as the feature by which the user interface of the application changes itself according to the size of the gadget screen. This feature was firstly developed for the mobile applications but in the upcoming trends ; it is expected to be incorporated with the tablet applications too.

Tablet Apps Will Leverage the Cloud

At the present scenario; all the data and content of a device is stored in a particular memory location of the device only. This makes it an hassle to transfer the data from one device to another across different platforms. The cloud feature of the tablets will facilitate the user to share all the data on a common cloud; with this feature you would be able to access your data and content from any device at any place. Icing the cake; you will also be able to share this data with your friends and group.
The further advanced version of this technology is expected to evolve the facility of managing the state of the content between all of your devices. For instance, if a user is watching a video or playing games online on a tablet, he will be able to navigate to his desktop or other device and the video or game will be in the same state as he was watching on the tablet.

Second Screen

According to the recent survey on the using factor of tablets, it is reported that 70 % of tablets is used while watching TV. The application that is running on the tablet screens would be used to complement what you’re watching on TV. For example if you are watching a TV show with your friends, you can communicate with them about the show using an app specifically designed for that show.

Code Consolidation

Gone will be the pattern when developing an application would be centered to a particular device.the consolidation will allow the developers to design an open source general application that will be compatible with all types of platforms. For example the code that would be used for an iPad would also be the same for a Kindle.

At Appschopper we provide you the best applications which are loaded with the latest technical trends and features. We feel proud to say that we are the highest ranked Tablet Application Development company among the stack of options. You can also contact us for Mobile Application development & iPhone Application Development .


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Unknown said...

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